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  • Will my site work if domain would be transferred?

    Process of transferring domain is done imperceptibly for you and your users.

  • How to change the registrar and to transfer the domain to “Arsenal D”?

    In order to transfer the domain to “Arsenal D” it is necessary to make the following:

    1. Write by e-mail to the Administrator of domain UZ, to the registrar where you are served and to “Arsenal D” with the request to change the registrar connection with transition service to “Arsenal D”.
    2. The further actions on transferring the domain will take no more than 24 hours, and your domain will be transferred to “Arsenal D”.
    The Administrator of domain UZ:
    “Arsenal D” company:

  • Term of payment for my domain has been expired several days ago. The domain does not work. What I’m supposed to do?

    If your domain is registered in a UZ zone and it has been passed only some days after the termination of payment, we can prolong your domain if it is free for that moment. If it has been passed a significant amount of time after the termination of payment term (some weeks, month), we cannot help you, if your domain has been already bought by other person. You can get your domain back, only in case of secondary purchase after discharging or cancellation of your domain name by a new owner.

    If your domain is registered in our company and term of its registration expires, our company informs you on the expiration of terms for definition of your further actions. If you need to prolong your domain, address our company by phones, e-mail or in writing.

  • In what zones do you register domains?

    “Arsenal D” registers domain names of the second level only in UZ zone.

  • How to pay for the domain registration?

    Bank remittance for juridical persons, payment of cash means in any payment reception bank offices (branches of banks accepting payments from the population)

  • On whom the domain is registered?

    The domain will be registered on you or your organization. You will see data in the contract for domain registration, therefore be more attentive while filling fields of the registration form.

    After the domain will be delegated, you can check up to whom it belongs through popular service Whois.

  • Through which registrar you register domains?

    “Arsenal D” being the official Registrar in domain UZ zone, registers domain names independently on its own.

  • How long domain is registered?

    Average time of registration depends on time of payment.

    On the average it is 1-8 hours from the moment of confirming the payment.

  • How to prolong the domain?

    The domain .UZ registered at “Arsenal D” can be prolonged, having concluded the contract.

  • Why my domain does not work?

    If you have registered the domain at “Arsenal D” and it has passed a few time, probably your domain has not registered in all DNS bases yet. About time of updating DNS you can read in the description of domains on our site.

    If you have registered the domain not at “Arsenal D”, you have to change DNS for it and to wait while they would change in all bases. Usually it takes 12-24 hours.

  • Whether it is possible to register the domain without purchasing hosting services?

    You can register the domain in “Arsenal D” without accommodation of a site on our servers. If the hosting will be required to you later, you can always choose optimum services and place a site.

  • What domain alias is?

    The word alias means a pseudonym. That is the second name. For example: there are two available domains for you – and leading to the same folder on a server. They are the domain alias.

  • What is the Whois-services?

    Whois services give the information on the domain owner. The given service is available for the majority of domain zones.

  • How to delete the domain?

    By the will of the domain Owner (Administrator) the domain can be cancelled (the domain will be deleted from the Register). Money resources for the cancelled services are not given back. Removal service is carried out only by presenting the original letter from the domain Owner (Administrator) – the juridical person or the physical person.

    The information presented in the letter should coincide with available in a Registrar database.

  • Will I have a document that confirms about my owning a domain name?

    As registration of a domain name is an addition of the information on a domain name and data of the domain Owner (Administrator) in the Internet networks domain database, the paper document (the certificate) is not given. The legal identification of a domain name accessory is the contract concluded and issued properly.

  • Can somebody take my domain?

    To cancel registration of a domain name (to delete the domain) or to transfer a domain name to other Administrator is possible only on the basis of the application from the Administrator or after reception of the decision which have entered validity of court.

    Transfer of the rights to a domain name (change of the domain Owner) - is a serious procedure excluding an opportunity of a deceit or a mistake.

  • How to change a domain name?

    To change the name of already registered domain is impossible. If already registered domain name does not satisfy your requirements, it is required to register the domain with the chosen name.

  • Who will be the owner of a domain name?
    The owner (administrator) of a domain name will be that physical or juridical person who will be specified in the contract of domain registration. Pay attention to correctness of the instruction of all data for the physical person or requisites for juridical person.
  • Who Registrar is?
    The domain database containing the information on registered domain names, refers to as the united Register of the domain. The register is managed by the authorized body - the Manager of domain UZ. And the juridical person accredited by the Manager for rendering users of registration services, refers to as the Registrar.
  • How to choose a domain name?

    it is important to be defined with purpose of a site for which the domain will be registered while you are choosing a domain name. For personal page it is recommended to pick up a combination of your name and a surname. The domain name for a corporate site of the company can contain the name of the company or name that helps to understand a direction of its activity. If the company with already known brand is going to open its agency in the Internet, the correct decision will be the domain name consisting with this brand. It will be more effective if you use keywords of your activity in your domain names. In any case at a choice of a domain name it is important, that the name was easy to remember, harmonious and not causing questions with variants in writing.

    Choosing a domain name in domain UZ zone you address your information first of all to users of our republic, and multi-language a site will involve Russian-speaking, English-speaking and other users.

    If the name that you are interested in is borrowed, do not despair and think about possible variants. To check whether domain name is free or not and pick up variants you can, using our form for registration of domain names.

  • Registration and delegation – what is the difference?

    Domain registration passes 2 stages: registration and delegation. At domain registration there is an addition of the information on the domain in a database of Internet domains. After that, the next stage - delegations follows. While your domain is not delegated, you cannot see it.

    Delegation is very important stage of registration of the domain as after your domain will be delegated, it will be completely efficient, and you can see it on the Internet. Easier speaking, delegation is an activation of your registered domain

  • How to register a domain name at “Arsenal D”?

    For registration the domain in “Arsenal D”:

    1. Enter into the form of search domain names a name of the desirable domain and follow instructions.

    2. If the domain name has been already taken, it is impossible to buy it at present time

    3. If the domain name is free, the form of the application for booking and purchasing of the given domain name will be automatically presented on a site

  • What the DNS is?

    DNS or Domain Name System - the service of the domain names, allowing to transform symbolical names of domains in IP-addresses and on the contrary in networks TCP/IP.

  • What the domain name is?
    Domain name – is a certain alphabetic sequence designating a name of a site or used in names of electronic mail boxes. The domain name should begin and come to an end with the letter of the latin alphabet or figure. Intermediate symbols can be letters of the latin alphabet, figures or a hyphen.
    For example, the domain name has three compound parts named by levels and divided by points:
    uz - a domain name of 1 level;
    arsenal-d - a domain name of 2 level (the domain of the second level in a UZ zone);
    hosting - a domain name of 3 level (the domain of the third level in a zone
    In the electronic post address info@ a domain name - If you wish to place own site on the Internet or to take advantage of e-mail - register a domain name at Arsenal D.

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